IOUpay Limited

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Access to this information is restricted to shareholders, employees, noteholders or creditors of the company / companies set out in this PwC insolvency case, or representative of such a creditor, or a person engaged by PwC in connection with the PwC case who has been given permission to access this information. To gain access to this information, you have agreed not to communicate any information contained in the Insolvency Cases area relating to the company / companies (which is or may be defamatory) to any person other than another shareholder or creditor of the company / companies.

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Voluntary Administration

Daniel Walley and Phil Carter were appointed as joint and several Voluntary Administrators of IOUPay Limited on 26 April 2023, pursuant to Section 436A of the Corporations Act.

End of Administration

The Administration of the Company ended on 24 May 2023 and control of the Company has been returned to the Company's directors.

Appointment Details

IOUPay Limited
Entity Name IOUPay Limited
Trading Name
Appointment Type Voluntary Administration
Appointment Date Wed, Apr 26, 23
Contact Name Joanna Ho
Contact Email
Contact Phone +61
Contact Address One International Towers Sydney
Watermans Quay
Barangaroo NSW 2000
Australia Company Number (ACN) 091192871
Australian Business Number (ABN) 11091192871
Appointee(s) Daniel Walley
Phil Carter


First meeting of creditors
Mon, May 08, 23 - 3:00PM AEST Local Time

PwC Australia, One International Towers Sydney, Watermans Quay

NSW 2000 Australia

The purpose of the meeting is to provide creditors with background to the appointment and for creditors to

determine whether to appoint a Committee of Inspection (COI) to assist the Administrators, and if so, who are to be the COI’s members.

At the meeting, creditors may also, by resolution, remove the Administrators from office and appoint replacement


To participate in this meeting, creditors must submit a proof of debt and information to substantiate their claim as well as a proxy form.

Creditors requesting to attend virtually will be provided with a link to the meeting once they have submitted their proof of debt and proxy form (if applicable).